Embassy of Canada in Colombo
Diplomatic representation of Canada. Information on consular services of the Canadian Embassy of in Sri Lanka. You can contact the consular department of the embassy for visa application, passports, consular statements, legalisation of documents and information of the opening hours of the different departments of the Embassy of Canada in Colombo.
All info on the Canadian Embassy in Colombo
Canadian High Commission in Colombo, Sri Lanka
33A, 5th Lane, Colpetty
Colombo 03
Sri Lanka
Telephone Number:
(+94) (11) 522 62 32
Fax Number:
(+94) (11) 522 62 96
Bruce Levy, High Commissioner
Office Hours:
Canadian Embassy responsibilities
Are, among others, processing visa applications from tourists planning to visit Canada, processing passport
renewals and applications, dealing with paperwork for marriages between host country citizens and Canadian
nationals, and documents for births and deaths.
Trade assistance
The Canadian Embassy in Colombo can also assist with
trade missions between Sri Lanka and Canada, political matters, repatriations of Canadian citizens and
much more.
Embassies and Consulates
In larger countries abroad an Embassy would be found in the capital or principal city of that country and, perhaps, smaller diplomatic
missions, called Consulates, located in other cities, manned by an Honorary Consul (a British national) and reporting to the main consul in the embassy. |